The Gallery U- Flight of the Ground Stars: Sept 24, 2015
“Flight of the Ground Stars/ Bringer of Visions”
(Oil paint on canvas)
“Poetry is painting without form, painting is poetry with form.”
(–The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting)
The night sky has always danced in stillness to me. When I was painting landscapes in Lacoste, France the most important thing I was trying to capture was the spirit of the landscape and of the night. To me, the night is not dark; the night is vibrant and full of mysterious colors that dance around their observers. In this painting, I painted what I see in the night sky rippling downward like a waterfall of light falling towards the awaiting Earth. The hills themselves are shrouded in a cloak of mist and dawn light and the Ground Stars (the lights of the surrounding villages) are reflected upwards as stars in the night. There is a center orb of light surrounded by his entourage of stars. This orb brings the invisible colors to life where ever he goes. The mythology of the sky and lore surrounding its ever changing colors has always fascinated me and inspires an origin story of these lights.